
Workshops, Demos and Talks

 Workshops, Demos and Talks

Mark runs regular painting and drawing workshops. He is often asked to give talks and demos by art societies and groups and to run corporate events.

The talks and demos tend to be two hours long. Mark draws on his lessons with Robert Lenkiewicz to show how a tonal approach to painting is the key to painting three dimensional space.

The workshops are usually three to five hours long and can include working with a clothed model or looking at landscape painting. They can focus on tone, composition and particular aspects of painting technique.

To make an enquiry, please contact Mark here.

Mark also runs regular workshops and drawing sessions:

Old Rectory Workshops in St Mellion, Cornwall. These are day long workshops at Marks’s home. To find out more and to see the next dates, please click here.

Portrait Clinic Mark runs a portrait session from 10am til 12pm every Wednesday at Seco Lounge, Royal William Yard, Plymouth. These sessions are designed to promote regular observational drawing from life in a relaxed setting. No need to book, just turn up. £6, cash or card.