Portrait Clinic with Mark Fielding
A Portrait Clinic session. Margaret, our resident model is wearing the red top.
One of the problems for portrait artists is finding models. Once you’ve exhausted family and friends, how do you find a regular source of models? That was the problem which puzzled me earlier this year. In the end, I decided to set up the Portrait Clinic at Ocean Studios where I have my studio, based in Plymouth. I thought it would be better to bring together other artists on a weekly basis for two hours with the main aim of portrait sketching.
The regularity provides convenience for the artists. All you need to do is turn up. The sessions are open to non-artists who can come and have a chat, maybe have a coffee and sit for us. After 10 weeks you will end up with 10, 20 or even 30 portraits. In addition, the group setting of Portrait Clinic provides solidarity when tackling the challenge of portraiture. Portrait Clinic has become a supportive and friendly environment. We meet at the lovely Column Bakehouse Cafe in Ocean Studios which provides coffee, tea and cakes as well as breakfast. Porridge is popular on winter days!
The social aspect cannot be underestimated. Being an artist can be a lonely pursuit but it needn’t be. Sometimes we work in silence, sometimes there is a constant flow of conversation. But all the time, we draw and learn, growing more familiar with the challenge. Familiarity which builds confidence which forms the bedrock of further development.
Whilst I do provide some guidance when asked, the session is very much a chance to guide oneself and explore. There’s no doubt that we all pick up ideas from working alongside others, seeing the use of different media and papers. The benefit of having no instruction in the room, is that there is no judgement, no right or wrong. This means everyone can relax and find their own way. We can all celebrate each other’s achievements.

Benefits of Portrait Clinic
The main benefit of attending regular sessions is to build up your observation skills. The key to portrait sketching is to look and look again. To draw what is there, not what you think is there. To really interrogate the subject. As the months have passed, drawings are developing more quickly and with greater accuracy. Short cuts are found for dealing with recurring challenges. You can begin to draw from the well of your experience.
The sessions also provide a chance to explore different media. Encouraged by others who have mastered say, charcoal, we can embark on new approaches and try new materials and papers.
Why ‘Clinic’? This stresses the twofold nature of the sessions. As well as art improvement, there is a therapeutic element of meeting as a group doing something that you love. This is the same for both artists and sitters. So far over 30 artists and sitters have attended and this has generated some admirable results and it is hoped, a pleasant experience.
For further information please visit Portrait Clinic’s page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/portraitclinic/
If you are interested in commissioning a portrait or one to one painting tuition with me, please email on markfieldingart@gmail.com